Courage Doesn’t Always Roar
Courage Doesn't Always Roar begins as an invitation to recognize all of the ways courage, and the associated risk, show up on ordinary days.
Courage Doesn’t Always Roar

CATEGORY: Personal Growth
Written initially as part of a longer poem and featured in a gallery show in 1985, these words by Mary Anne Rademacher defining courage have traveled the globe.
The quote, “Courage doesn’t always roar,” has been featured in ceremonies of all sorts and included in sports and network news broadcasts. Oprah has included it in her magazine and journalists include it in “top ten” lists across many disciplines and categories. And, it is among the most beloved quotes on cards, posters, journals, and gift books. Rademacher insists in her book that we overlook opportunities for growth and personal celebration by shrugging off courageous acts of perseverance with, “I just did what I felt I had to do.”
This daily companion for women, men, or anyone who wants to change for good, and live a bolder, more courageous life may be the perfect addition to the start of your day or the key to letting go and ending your day right. Featuring an introduction from courage specialist, Candace Doby, Courage Doesn't Always Roar begins as an invitation to recognize all of the ways courage, and the associated risk, show up on ordinary days.
Inside you’ll find:
· Keys to finding and defining courage in your everyday life
· 180 entries covering all aspects of courage, like: resilience, thresholds, choices,
grace, and more
· Mental health-friendly inspirations meant to shape the way you think about courage
Mary Anne Radmacher is a writer and an artist. She conducts workshops on living a full, creative, balanced life; teaches writing seminars; and works with individual clients.
She has been writing since she was a child, and she uses her writing to explore symbols and find meanings as an author. Among her special honors, she counts the respect of her peers and the friendship of children. She is the author of Lean Forward into Your Life and Live Boldly.
She lives in the thriving university town of Gainesville, FL, in close proximity to amazing humans and fine dogs. Visit her online at www.maryanneradmacher.net
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